With Spring in the air, I am delighted to offer beach Kundalini yoga classes and guided sea dips! There is something powerful about doing Kundalini Yoga outdoors in nature to help you connect.

In addition to being a qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher, I am delighted to have become a Wild Sea Women leader, facilitating group wild sea dips in East Lothian, Scotland.
The concept of cold open-water swimming is not new! However, it has REALLY taken off in the past couple of years and once you try it you will see why it has become so popular and addictive!
It may feel difficult, at first, to take the plunge but once you do it feels so invigorating.! The benefits of cold open-water swimming are also now backed by science; including pain relief, a reduction in inflammation, increased concentration, improved circulation. It is known to be extremely beneficial not only for physical health, but also mental health with significant positive impacts on chronic low-mood and stress, to name just a few of the benefits.
As a Wild Sea Women leader, we bring together a community of women from all walks of life to support and encourage one another while taking an invigorating dip in the sea.
Come and connect on Friday mornings with:
10:00-11:00am Beach Kundalini Yoga; followed by
11:00-11:30am Breathwork, meditation and a guided sea dip.
Please book in advance: www.wwildseawomen.com/classes WSW Beach Kundalini Yoga £6 Wild Sea Women guided dip session FREE We usually begin our session with safety tips, followed by breathwork and a meditation to relax and calm the body and mind in preparation for taking a dip in the sea. We will also run through how to warm the body up in the most optimal, safest way when you come out.
Bring a yoga mat, lots of warm layers, socks & jacket, (wear) swimmers, towel, blanket, water bottle & hot drink for afterwards. Don’t forget spare underwear…!
So, come along and embrace and enjoy the magical power of Kundalini Yoga in nature followed by an invigorating sea dip! The group is not so much about swimming (though many women do swim too!), but rather dipping and enjoying the many benefits of the cold water.
For more details email karen@empoweredbeing.co.uk