What is Kundalini Yoga?
With so many people now seeking a yoga class, or even attending as a beginner, it can be helpful to have a description of Kundalini yoga. The following is an excerpt from the 3HO website (3HO stands for Happy, Healthy and Holy):
Kundalini Yoga: A Sacred Technology
“The Power of Kundalini Yoga lies in the actual experience. It goes right into your heart and extends your consciousness so you may have a wider horizon of grace and knowing the truth.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan® is designed to give you “hands on” experience of your highest consciousness. It teaches a method by which you can achieve the sacred purpose of your life. It is universal and nondenominational.
Kundalini Yoga is not a religion. Kundalini Yoga is a Sacred Science. It is sacred because it deals with G.O.D.: G = that which Generates, O = that which Organizes, D = that which Delivers or Destroys. It is scientific because it provides a technology, a method by which anyone who practices it can experience that process of G.O.D., that divine identity within. The way you choose – and if you choose – to worship is your religion.
Kundalini Yoga is much more than just a system of physical exercises. It is a dynamic, powerful tool for expanding awareness.
Virtually every aspect of human existence has an enlightened, efficient, and effective way to do it. Yogis have been custodians of the detailed information on the care and feeding, maintenance, and preservation of a human being.
For thousands of years yogic knowledge was carefully handed down by oral tradition from Master to disciple. The Master spoke, the student memorized and practiced. Yogi Bhajan spent many years in India learning, mastering, and perfecting the habits and practices of Kundalini Yoga.
Kundalini Yoga was always kept very secret until 1969 when Yogi Bhajan challenged the ages-old tradition of secrecy. His motive? Compassion. He saw the reality of our inner beauty, power, and potential and he wanted us to discover it for ourselves. The legacy of technical and spiritual knowledge that Yogi Bhajan studied and mastered in India is the gift he brought to the West.
To fully appreciate the value of this great gift, we need to understand why, for thousands of years, the Yogis kept it secret. They were selective and guarded because knowledge gives power, and power can corrupt. Traditionally, only after the student demonstrated humility, self-discipline, and obedience would the Teacher reveal the secret kriyas.
“In Kundalini Yoga the most important thing is your experience. It goes right to your heart. No words can replace your experience. Your mind may accept the words or it may not, but your consciousness will not accept just words.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
The practice of Kundalini Yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, and enables us to harness the energy of the mind and the emotions, so we can be in control of ourselves, rather than being controlled by our thoughts and feelings. This technology combines breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, body locks, and postures in a precise, conscious manner to affect body, mind, and soul.
Kundalini Yoga is a yoga for householders, for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs, raising families, and managing businesses. Kundalini Yoga is for everyone who wants the skills to cope successfully with the challenges of living in this day and age.
The list of very real benefits from regularly practicing Kundalini Yoga is very long. But, really, what matters most to you is your experience – to acquire a real understanding of Kundalini Yoga, do it!
* Summarized from Khalsa, Shakti Parwha Kaur. Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power. New York: Berkeley Publishing Group, 1996.